
Initiatives for the monitoring and analysis of agricultural public expenditure in Africa: A…

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No. 05 - A 2007 Social Accounting Matrix for Guinea-Bissau

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Strategic Options for Agriculture and Development in Malawi

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Gender, Assets, and Agricultural Development: Lessons from Eight Projects

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No. 0010 - Welfare Effects of Policy-Induced Rising Food Prices on Farm Households in Nigeria

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No. 0011 - The Impact of Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions on Smallholder Productivity:…

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No. 0012 - Analysis of Impact of Climate Change on Growth and Yield of Yam and Cassava and…

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Donors and domestic policy makers: Two worlds in agricultural policy-making?

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No. 0013 - How Aid Helps Achieve MDGs in Africa: The Case of Primary Education

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No. 0014 - Is More Chocolate Bad for Poverty? An Evaluation of Cocoa Pricing for Ghana’s…

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Agriculture, gendered time use, and nutritional outcomes: A systematic review

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No. 0015 - Modeling the Determinants of Poverty in Zimbabwe

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