
No. 03 - Social Accounting Matrices for The Gambia, Liberia, Mauritania, and Sierra Leone

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No. 0008 - Rainfall and Economic Growth and Poverty: Evidence from Senegal and Burkina Faso

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Taking stock of national agricultural R&D capacity in Africa South of the Sahara

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No. 04 - Construction of a Social Accounting Matrix for Kenya

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No. 0009 - Product Standards and Africa’s Agricultural Exports

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Childhood shocks, safety nets and cognitive skills: Panel data evidence from rural Ethiopia

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Can agricultural traders be trusted? Evidence from urban coffee markets in Ethiopia

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Firm heterogeneity in food safety provision: Evidence from aflatoxin tests in Kenya

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Rural finance and agricultural technology adoption in Ethiopia: Does institutional design matter?

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Managing risk with insurance and savings: Experimental evidence for male and female farm managers…

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The impact of “At-the-Border” and “Behind-the-Border” policies on cost-reducing research and…

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IFPRI 2014-2015 Global Food Policy Report

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