
Gender Inequalities in Ownership and Control of Land in Africa: Myths versus Reality

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Gender, Control, and Crop Choice in Northern Mozambique

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Agricultural Policy Processes and the Youth in Malawi

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No. 0003 - Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in Eastern and…

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No. 0004 - Investigating the Linkage Between Climate Variables and Food Security in ESA Countries

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No. 0005 - Post-Liberalization Markets, Export Firm Concentration, and Price Transmission along…

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Field Experiments

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Behavioral Game Theory Notes

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Treating the Field as a Lab: A Basic Guide to Conducting Economics Experiments for Policymaking

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Creating a Lab in the Field: Economics Experiments for Policymaking

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Tenure security and demand for land tenure regularization in Nigeria: Empirical evidence from Ondo…

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Statistics and Causal Inference

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