
Can the private sector lead agricultural mechanization in Ghana?

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Strategies to control aflatoxin in groundnut value chains

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What dimensions of women’s empowerment in agriculture matter for nutrition-related practices and…

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No. 0007 - Implications of High Commodity Prices on Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Policy…

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Inter- and intra-seasonal crop acreage response to international food prices and implications of…

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Assessing progress made toward shared agricultural transformation objectives in Mozambique

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No. 02 - La Matrice de Comptabilite Sociale de l'Economie Senegalaise en 2011

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Climate Variability and Crop Production in Uganda

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Variable returns to fertilizer use and its relationship to poverty: Experimental and simulation…

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How to build resilience to conflict: The role of food security

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2014 Global Hunger Index

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Do Product Standards Matter for Margins of Trade In Egypt? Evidence from Firm-Level Data

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