
Land Constraints and Agricultural Intensification in Ethiopia: A Village-Level Analysis of High-…

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Links between Tenure Security and Food Security: Evidence from Ethiopia

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Estimating the supply elasticity of cotton in Mali with the Nerlove Model: A bayesian method of…

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Women’s empowerment and nutrition: An evidence review

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Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A village-level analysis of high-…

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Financial inclusion in Africa: An overview

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Trends and patterns of land use change and international aid in sub-Saharan Africa

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The economic rationale for investing in stunting reduction

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2013 GAMS-Based CGE Models: Overview and Exercises

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2013 GAMS-Based GGE Models: Required Reading

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Intermediate Microeconomics, 5th Edition Notes

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2013 GAMS-Based GGE Models: Suggested Reading

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