
Climate Change, Trade Policy and Food Security: Conceptual Links

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SAM-Based Accounting Modeling and Analysis Sudan 2000

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Foreign Private Investment and Agricultural Production in Nigeria (1986-2006)

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Poverty and Agricultural Development in Sudan

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Public education spending and poverty in Burkina Faso: A CGE approach

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Is the Senegalese accelerated growth strategy pro-poor?

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Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis of Public Spending in Nigeria

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A Test of Labour Market Efficiency in Sudan: A Production Function Approach

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An empirical test of the Dutch Disease hypothesis on Botswana’s main exports

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Developing a Practical Credit Risk Model for Bankers in the Case of Mortgage Loans Portfolio in…

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Alcohol policy and taxation in South Africa: an examination of the economic burden of alcohol tax

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The Contribution of Tourism to Micro and Small Enterprise Small Growth

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