
No. 0045 - African Commitments for Agricultural Development Goals and Milestones for Malawi

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No. 0046 - African Commitments for Agricultural Development Goals and Milestones for Mozambique

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Food and nutrition security in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during COVID-19 pandemic: June 2020 report

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Impact of COVID-19 on the Egyptian economy: Economic sectors, jobs, and households

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The economic costs of COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from a simulation exercise for Ghana

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2020 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor

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Food prices and marketing margins during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from vegetable value…

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Resilience of global and local value chains to the Covid-19 pandemic: Survey evidence from…

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Climate Change: An Overview of Research Questions - D. Zilberman

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Food Prices and Food Security: Overview of Existing Data and Policy Tools and Identification of…

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Bio-physical Impact Analysis of Climate Change with EPIC - C. Heumesser

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Simulating the Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies on Farm Productivity and Income:…

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