
Barriers to Household Risk Management: Evidence from India

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Who You Train Matters: Identifying Complementary Effects of Financial Education on Migrant…

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Why Don't the Poor Save More? Evidence from Health Savings Experiments

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Beyond baseline and follow-up: The case for more t in experiments

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Social security health insurance for the informal sector in Nicaragua: A randomized evaluation

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Demand for Weather Hedges in India: An Empirical Exploration of Theoretical Predictions

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Learning about Agricultural Microinsurance from randomized control trials

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An ex ante analysis of the impact and cost-effectiveness of biofortified high-provitamin A and high…

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The impact of alternative input subsidy exit strategies on Malawi’s maize commodity market

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Using elicitation mechanisms to estimate the demand for nutritious maize: Evidence from experiments…

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Input use in Ethiopia: Results of the 2012 ATA Baseline Survey

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Insuring countries against natural disasters: Pool rules

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