
Aid effectiveness in Ghana: How’s the L’Aquila food security initiative doing?

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Fiscal sustainability in Burundi: baseline projections, stochastic simulations, and policy scenarios

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Rural resilience and the role of social capital among farmers in Kirundo province, Northern Burundi

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The economywide effects of teff, wheat, and maize production increases in Ethiopia: Results of…

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Structure and performance of Ethiopia’s coffee export sector

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Identifying agricultural expenditures within the public financial accounts and coding system in…

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Ethiopia Small Ruminants Value Chain Analysis Toolkit

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Who Benefits from Spending on Water and Electricity in Nigeria?: A Benefit Incidence Analysis

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Firms’ debt choice in Africa: Are institutional infrastructure and non-traditional determinants…

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Welfare Implications of COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area

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The Contribution of Education to Economic Growth: A Review of the Evidence, with Special Attention…

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Are Remittances and Foreign Aid a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?

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