The supply of inorganic fertilizers to smallholder farmers in Uganda: Evidence for fertilizer policy development

Todd Benson, Patrick Lubega, Stephen Bayite-Kasule, Tewodaj Mogues, and Julian Nyachwo
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Inorganic fertilizer is one of a handful of agricultural technologies that has immense potential for raising 
the productivity of poor smallholder farmers, enabling them to increase income, accumulate assets, and 
set themselves economically on a pathway out of poverty. The very low prevalence of fertilizer use by 
Ugandan farmers—well below 5 percent—is evidence that farmers find it difficult to access fertilizers for their crops at a price that will allow them to obtain sufficient and reliable returns from their investment in fertilizer.
This paper presents the results of a broad study of fertilizer supply to smallholder farmers in 
Uganda that was done to assess whether the taxes (explicit or implicit) that are applied at various points 
along the fertilizer importation and marketing chain or the absence of key public goods and services 
reduce the access that smallholder farmers have to fertilizer. The study involved a review of the literature of fertilizer supply, demand, and use; interviews with key participants in fertilizer importation and marketing in Uganda; and two surveys—one with farmers and the other with input suppliers—in four farming areas where fertilizer is used more than is the norm for the country as a whole.
Our broad finding is that the government of Uganda has taken several actions that have been 
conducive to improving farmer access to fertilizer. Over the past 10 to 15 years, fertilizer importers and 
traders have seen a growing market for inorganic fertilizers. Moreover, the relatively small margins that 
fertilizer traders obtain provide some evidence that a generally competitive market for the supply of 
fertilizers is now in place within Uganda. However, in some areas government inaction is having an 
adverse effect on efforts to increase use of fertilizer. The most important of these missing public goods 
are not specific to fertilizer but are implicated in broad efforts for increased economic growth in Uganda. 
However, the government of Uganda should undertake several fertilizer-specific initiatives to enhance 
farmer uptake:
• Overcome information constraints.
- for fertilizer traders—on the regulatory regime within which they must operate
- for smallholder farmers—on the proper agronomic use of fertilizer on specific crops 
under specific agroecological conditions, and on the proper economic use of fertilizer 
under changing input and output market conditions so that they can derive reliable profits 
from their use of the technology
• Reform regulations. A considerably lighter regulatory regime than what is now in place 
would allow more fertilizer into Uganda, resulting in lower costs for farmers.
• Exercise a cautious attitude toward undertaking direct interventions to promote increased 
fertilizer use by Ugandan smallholder farmers. Strengthening agricultural output markets is as 
important in this regard as undertaking fertilizer-specific initiatives.
Information on the policy brief related to this paper is available here.
Publication date
Source / Citation
Benson, T., Lubega, P., Bayite-Kasule, S., Mogues, T., and J. Nyachwo, "The supply of inorganic fertilizers to smallholder farmers in Uganda: Evidence for fertilizer policy development," IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 01228, December 2012.