posted by oluwakemi on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
I sincerely appreciate AGRODEP and IFPRI giving me the privilege to participate in the recently concluded training on impact of high food prices on household welfare. The opportunity has contributed immensely to building my research capacity. It also afforded me the privilege to revise and update my knowledge on theoretical underpinnings and analytical framework on the household welfare analysis. Indeed, it re-sharpened my cutting edge in…
posted by swatundu on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
I extend my sincere appreciation to AGRODEP and IFPRI for having chosen me to participate in the training course on “ESTIMATION OF THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF HIGH FOOD PRICES USING MICRO DATA”. The training was very satisfying both theoretically and empirically, thanks to the great job done by Muguel Robles who endless made sure each and every individual understood from first principles the theoretical underpinnings associated with empirical…
posted by Mekbib on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
The 2013 AGRODEP training on "ESTIMATION OF THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF HIGH FOOD PRICES USING MICRO DATA" was indeed an outstanding experience for me. I learned and revised the various methodologies in estimating the impact of the recent increase in international and domestic food prices on rural and urban households. The training was particularly important for me as it uses real household survey data from different countries instead of a…
posted by oluwakemi on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
I sincerely appreciate AGRODEP and IFPRI giving me the privilege to participate in the recently concluded training on impact of high food prices on household welfare. The opportunity has contributed immensely to building my research capacity. It also afforded me the privilege to revise and update my knowledge on theoretical underpinnings and analytical framework on the household welfare analysis. Indeed, it re-sharpened my cutting edge in…
posted by oluwakemi on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
I sincerely appreciate AGRODEP and IFPRI giving me the privilege to participate in the recently concluded training on impact of high food prices on household welfare. The opportunity has contributed immensely to building my research capacity. It also afforded me the privilege to revise and update my knowledge on theoretical underpinnings and analytical framework on the household welfare analysis. Indeed, it re-sharpened my cutting edge in…
posted by amshittu on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
I consider myself most privileged to be given an opportunity to participate in the just concluded AGRODEP/IFPRI sponsored training on “Estimation of the Economic Impact of High Food Prices Using Micro Data” held at Dakar, Senegal; May 28 – 30, 2013 with Miguel Robles as the Instructor. For me, this training offered an opportunity to revisit…
posted by sgustafson on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
Throughout Africa, agricultural development strategies often take a sectoral approach. But while research is key to such sectorwide strategies, little has been done to link these to countries' National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). A new IFPRI discussion paper, Who Talks to Whom in African Agricultural Research Information Networks, examines Malawi's NARS in order to more explicitly link its research to the needs of the…
posted by olagunju on 11 years 6 months ago (0 comments)
I appreciate ARODEP and IFPRI for the opportunity extended to me to be among the chosen participants in the training course “Estimation of the Economic Impact of High Food Prices Using Micro Data”. My expectations were greatly met and I was well equipped of the use of Stata. I cannot but extend my heart of gratitude to our trainer, Miguel Robles for his painstaking and patience in taking us through the rigorous analysis. His style of teaching is…
posted by k_salimonu on 11 years 6 months ago (1 comments)
I wish to express my profound gratitude and appreciations to AGRODEP and IFPRI for staging a training course on Estimation of the Economic Impact of High Food Prices Using Micro Data. I have benefited immensely. Special thanks to the Trainer, Miguel Robles for his professionalism, generosity and readiness to share knowledge and ideas. I must also specially commend the prompt response of the members of staff at the AGRODEP office, Dakar. They…
posted by yogout on 11 years 6 months ago (1 comments)
Hi to every body
I am AGRODEP member since the beginning of the year 2013 and i feel like i don't make a full use of AGRODEP ressources and opportunities. For instance, ihave tried to download some data and code without success. I got a message like "ACCESS DENIED" and sometime i have to fulfil a request form. I did, but without any answers.Besides, i wwant to know how to add a documents or data on our page and make it available for every body?…