The Democratic Republic of the Congo Informal Survey 2010 is a survey of unregistered businesses conducted in The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) between June 7 and June 21, 2010, at the same time with The Democratic Republic of the Congo 2010 Enterprise Survey. Data from 150 enterprises were analyzed.
Questionnaire topics include general information about a business, infrastructure and services, sales and supplies, crime, sources and access to finance, business-government relationship, assets, AIDS and sickness (for African region), bribery, workforce composition, obstacles to get registration, reasons for not registering, and benefits that an establishment could get from registration. The mode of data collection is face-to-face interviews.
The Informal Surveys aim to accomplish the following objectives:
- To provide information about the state of the private sector for informal businesses in client countries;
- To generate information about the reasons of said informality;
- To collect useful data for the research agenda on informality;
- To provide information on the level of activity in the informal sector of selected urban centers in each country.
Implementation documents can be found here.
Prior to downloading the dataset for the 2010 DRC Informal Survey, a request must be made through Enterprise Surveys. The request form is located here.