The 2006 Rwandan SAM discussed in this document has been used for the CGE modeling analysis on agricultural growth and investment options for poverty reduction in Rwanda conducted by Diao et al. (2010). This SAM has been modified from the original SAM of Emini (2007).
Various data sources from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda are utilized in constructing the production-related accounts in the Rwandan SAM. The trade and tax accounts include imports, import tariffs and indirect taxes, which were calculated using data from the Rwandan Revenue Authority (RRA), and exports, which is compiled from Rwandan Customs and completed by National Bank of Rwanda (Emini, 2007). The household consumption in the SAM is computed based on the 2005-2006 household living conditions survey (EICV2, i.e., Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages 2005-2006 in French) published by MINECOFIN (2007).
This document can be downloaded from IFPRI Dataverse on the IFPRI website: go to the data dowloading webpage, click on the Data and Analysis tab then select the pdf file of data documentation.