Short Name
TZA 2016 CGAP Smallholder
Advancing its earlier global segmentation framework (Christen and Anderson 2013), CGAP has been working to build the evidence base on the financial and agricultural lives of smallholder households. This nationally-representative survey of smallholder households collected information on household demographics, poverty status, agricultural activities, income sources and expenses, mobile phones, and informal and formal financial services.
The objectives of the Smallholder Household Survey in Tanzania were to:
- Generate a clear picture of the smallholder sector at the national level, including household demographics, agricultural profile, and poverty status and market relationships;
- Segment smallholder households in Tanzania according to the most compelling variables that emerge;
- Characterize the demand for financial services in each segment, focusing on customer needs, attitudes and perceptions related to both agricultural and financial services; and,
- Detail how the financial needs of each segment are currently met, with both informal and formal services, and where there may be promising opportunities to add value.
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