Household Survey

Uganda National Panel Survey Data 2009-2012 (Years 1-3)
Short Name
UGA NPS 2009-2012
kathryn.kincheloe 11 Sep, 2014 15:30
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Use Policy
May not be distributed to non AGRODEP Network Members.
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Data can be downloaded from the LSMS project webpage on the World Bank website. A Data User Agreement is required to fill in prior to downloading the data:


Tanzania 2010-2011 National Panel Survey (NPS) Data
Short Name
TZA 2010-2011 NPS
yuan 26 Nov, 2012 15:13
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Stata, SPSS
Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
Download information

Data can be downloaded from the LSMS project webpage on the World Bank website. A Data User Agreement is required to fill in prior to downloading the data. Go to download webpage, click on the "Go To Data User Agreement" button, fill in all required fields and click on "Send mail". The files you wish to download will show up in the next page. 

The Tanzania 2010-2011 National Panel Survey (TZNPS) is supported by the Living Standards Measurement Study - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) project undertaken by the Development Research Group at the World Bank.

Malawi 2010-2011 Third Integrated Household Survey (IHS-3) DATASET
Short Name
MWI 2010-11 IHS-3
yuan 26 Nov, 2012 12:59
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Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
Download information

Data can be downloaded from the LSMS project webpage on the World Bank website. A Data User Agreement is required to fill in prior to downloading the data. Go to download webpage, click on the "Go To Data User Agreement" button, fill in all required fields and click on "Send mail". The files you wish to download will show up in the next page. 

Malawi 2010-2011 Third Integrated Household Survey (IHS-3) is supported by the Living Standards Measurement Study - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) project undertaken by the Development Research Group at the World Bank.

2004 Botswana Agricultural Census Report Data
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2004 Botswana Agricultural Census
yuan 25 Jun, 2012 16:30
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Click the file you wish to download in the "Download" box. 

The 2004 Agricultural Census was conducted following the drought season and hence the agricultural holdings decreased by almost half when compared to the 1993 agricultural census figures. The most affected was the traditional sub-sector. Agricultural holdings decreased significantly by 49.3 percent, from 101,434 to 51,432 at the national level between 1993 and 2004 agricultural censuses. However, the commercial sector increased by 46.4 percent, from 507 to 742 agricultural holdings, while the traditional sector decreased by 49.8 percent, from 100,927 to 50,690 agricultural holdings.

Agricultural Module, Piggy-Backed onto the Population and Housing Census (PHC) of Uganda, 2002
Short Name
2002 Uganda Population and Housing Census
yuan 25 Jun, 2012 12:28
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Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
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Click the file you wish to download in the "Download" box. 

The Population and Housing Census (PHC) 2002 was conducted between September 13-20, 2002. It included an Agricultural Module (AM) whose main purpose was to provide appropriate sampling frames for a detailed Census of Agriculture and Livestock and other agricultural surveys. Those sampling frames are already available for users. Due to the nature of the PHC, agricultural statistics from the AM cover only household-based agricultural activity. This means that data from the Private Large-Scale and Institutional Farms are not included since they were not collected.
Tanzania National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/2003: Volume IV: Gender Profile of Smallholder Rural Agriculture Population in Tanzania Mainland
Short Name
TZA 2002/2003 Census: Gender Profiles
yuan 30 May, 2012 18:08
Source / Citation
Tanzania National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/2003, Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing, Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government
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Excel, PDF
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Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
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Click file icons in the download box for downloading.

At the end of the 2002/03 agricultural year, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician in Zanzibar, in collaboration with the Ministries of Agriculture and Food Security, Water and Livestock Development, and Cooperatives and Marketing as well as the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), conducted the Agriculture Sample Census for 2002/2003. This is the third Agriculture Census to be carried out in Tanzania.

Tanzania National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/2003: Volume IV: Smallholder Household Characteristics and Access to Services and Natural Resources
Short Name
TZA 2002/2003 Census vl. IV
yuan 30 May, 2012 17:42
Source / Citation
Tanzania National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/2003, Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing, Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government
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Excel, PDF
Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
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Click file icons in the download box for downloading.

At the end of the 2002/03 agricultural year, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician in Zanzibar, in collaboration with the Ministries of Agriculture and Food Security, Water and Livestock Development, and Cooperatives and Marketing as well as the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), conducted the Agriculture Sample Census for 2002/2003. This is the third Agriculture Census to he carried out in Tanzania.

Tanzania National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/2003: Large-Scale Farms
Short Name
TZA 2002/2003 Census: Large-Scale Farms
yuan 30 May, 2012 17:38
Source / Citation
Tanzania National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/2003, Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing, Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government
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Excel, PDF
Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
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Click file icons in the download box for downloading.

At the end of the 2002/03 agricultural year, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician in Zanzibar, in collaboration with the Ministries of Agriculture and Food Security, Water and Livestock Development, and Cooperatives and Marketing as well as the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), conducted the Agriculture Sample Census for 2002/2003. This is the third Agriculture Census to be carried out in Tanzania.

Nigeria 2010-2011/2012-2013 General Household Panel Survey Data
Short Name
yuan 30 Mar, 2012 11:29
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Use Policy
May not be distributed to non AGRODEP Network Members.
Download information
Data can be downloaded from the LSMS project webpage on the World Bank website. A Data User Agreement is required to fill in prior to downloading the data. Under 'Access Policy' on the Nigeria GHS Panel page, follow the link for the round of data you wish to download and fill in required information.
Short Name
ZWE 2005-06 DHS
yuan 20 Mar, 2012 19:21
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Use Policy
May not be distributed to non AGRODEP Network Members.
Download information

Registeration is required prior to downloading survey datasets. Click here to register as a DHS data user, and fill in contact information and project description. Once your request is approved, you will receive an email notification from MeasureDHS.

The 2005-2006 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey (2005-06 ZDHS) was implemented by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) from August 2005 to March 2006. The 2005-06 ZDHS is one of a series of surveys undertaken by the CSO as part of the Zimbabwe National Household Survey Capability Programme (ZNHSCP). Macro International Inc. provided technical assistance and funding through the MEASURE DHS project, a USAID funded project providing support for the implementation of population and health surveys in countries worldwide.