Call for Papers: Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (ARER) - due November 1, 2020

Special Issue “Social Justice in Agricultural and Environmental Economics”

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (ARER)

Guest editors: Angelino Viceisza (Spelman College and NBER) and Miesha Williams (Morehouse College)




This special issue contributes to economic scholarship on issues of social justice related to agriculture, food, natural resources, rural communities, development, and the environment.  Economics research has made significant progress in knowledge about individual and aggregate welfare, but more work needs to be done that examines the distributional and equity aspects of economic outcomes, particularly with respect to the conditions of historically excluded or marginalized populations. 


This special issue seeks contributions from a diverse group of scholars to address this need and welcomes studies that focus on any kind of population, including those in low- and middle-income countries.  Broad research themes include but are not limited to the intersection of the following with issues of social justice:

  1. Food deserts and food insecurity more generally
  2. Impacts of farmers’ markets, particularly on undocumented immigrants
  3. Impacts of climate change on subsistence agriculture and small-scale farming
  4. Linking small farmers to the supply chain, e.g., contract farming and cooperatives
  5. Agricultural and livestock markets and their interactions with the environment
  6. Impacts of agricultural subsidies and insurance (e.g., crop and weather-index)
  7. Impacts of changes in land ownership and ecology on small-scale agriculture
  8. Inclusion of marginalized people in Green economics and environmental justice
  9. Historical contexts of sharecropping, particularly in relation to colonialism
  10. Agricultural economics aspects of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. 


Tentative timeline


●      November 1, 2020: Authors submit papers to ARER. 

●      March 1, 2021: First set of reviews available to authors. 

●      May 31, 2021: First set of revisions due to ARER. 

●      July 31, 2021: Final set of reviews available to authors (if applicable). 

●      September 15, 2021: Final set of revisions due to ARER (if applicable). 

●      October 1, 2021: Final decisions communicated to authors. 

●      December 2021: Special issue published online. 



Other relevant information


The special issue will feature a mix of invited and selected contributions.  Articles submitted in response to this open call and selected by the guest editors will undergo peer-review.  The following individuals have been invited and agreed to submit a paper:

●      Jill McCluskey (Washington State University)

●      Samuel Myers, Jr. (University of Minnesota)

●      Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere (Agnes Scott College)

●      Maximo Torero (Food and Agriculture Organization)




Questions about the contents of the special issue (e.g., potential fit) should be directed to the guest editors as soon as possible.  Administrative questions (e.g., problems with the journal submission system) should be directed to the journal office, see