2014 Training Course - Advanced CGE Modeling: PEP and IFPRI Models

Event Date
Dakar, Senegal


The purpose of this Advanced GAMS-based CGE Modeling training course is to provide an in-depth knowledge about two static single country general equilibrium models widely used by economists for policy analysis: the IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) standard model and the PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) 1-1 model.
  • Applications for all Advanced CGE Modeling courses occurring in June 2014 must be submitted by April 23, 2014.
  • Return to the Advanced CGE Modeling course page to access the application form and other course descriptions.

course description

The IFPRI standard model is a result of a joint work by Hans Lofgren, Rebecca Lee Harris, Sherman Robinson, Moataz El-Said and Marcelle Thomas undertaken in 2002 at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). It is a standard static general equilibrium model built with the aim of analyzing trade and food policy issues in developing countries.
The PEP model is an extension of the widely used EXTER model resulting from a collaborative work of the PEP team: Bernard Decaluwé, André Lemelin, Hélène Maisonnave and Véronique Robichaud. Given that there is a series of PEP models, the course will focus on the static single country model or PEP1-1 (1 period – 1 country) which is comparable to the IFPRI standard model.
The workshop will highlight their main similarities and differences from a theoretical and practical point of view. It will provide a full description of the two models and their practical implementation through the GAMS software using real world data.
Interested candidates will be asked to carefully read the manuals and user guides which come with these models. A good knowledge of the GAMS software will also help in the hands-on implementation of the two models. It is recommended that participants use their own country-specific social accounting matrix (SAM) in the models implementation. Participants will also be exposed to the materials available through the websites of the two institutions, as well as a series of case study applying the two models.


  • Members must submit a link to their Google Scholar Citation page before their applications will be considered. Links can be sent to Kathryn Kincheloe.
  • It is strongly suggested that applicants have previous experience with CGE modeling and GAMS.


Fousseini Traoré is currently an Associate Research Fellow at IFPRI. He is originally from Mali and has lived in France for 11 years. He received a Ph.D. in Agricultural economics from CERDI, University of Clermont Ferrand, France, in 2010. He also received a double M.A. in Development economics and in Projects appraisal from the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Prior to joining IFPRI, Fousseini was a Research Fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. He has conducted research on various topics in agricultural trade, global cotton subsidies and access to energy in rural areas in Africa. He is also involved in capacity building actions in higher education in Africa through expatriate nationals.
Ismael Fofana is currently a Research Fellow at IFPRI. He joined the West and Central Africa office in Dakar (Senegal) in October 2010. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (France). He worked between 2001 and 2010 as research professional for the Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) network at Laval University in Quebec (Canada). His research work mainly focuses on biofuel, renewable energy, and global environment policies. He has been developing frameworks used to assess the macro-micro links of public policies in such a way that issues of growth, poverty, and equity are better understood.