Water harvesting

Does water harvesting induce fertilizer use among smallholders? Evidence from Ethiopia
Mekonnen B. Wakeyo and Cornelis Gardebroek
Agricultural Systems
Publication date
yuan 15 Oct, 2012 15:32
Source / Citation
Mekonnen B. Wakeyo, Cornelis Gardebroek "Does water harvesting induce fertilizer use among smallholders? Evidence from Ethiopia" Agricultural Systems, Volume 114, January 2013, Pages 54-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2012.08.005

Rainfall shortage is a major production risk for smallholder farmers. Due to rainfall shortage, smallholders limit the use of modern inputs such as fertilizer and improved seeds. This study investigates if water harvesting technologies (WHTs) induce fertilizer use and whether there is joint adoption of fertilizer and water harvesting technologies. Using panel data collected from Ethiopian farmers in two regions in 2005 and 2010, a random effects probit model and a bivariate probit model are estimated to investigate these two issues.