The 2nd Bordeaux Workshop in International Economics and Finance, organized by LAREFI, University of Bordeaux and AFD will be held in Bordeaux the 5thdecember 2014. This year conference's theme is "Price risk management of agricultural commodities in developing countries."
Recent surges in international agricultural prices have led to signicant changes in the strategies of
market actors in developing countries. At macro-economic level, governments' production, trade, storage and safety nets policies are being revisited towards increased insulation of producers and consumers from the consequences of short term price uctuations. At micro-economic level, innovative contractual arrangements between producers, producer organizations, middle men and agro-industries are developed to enhance the reliability of supply and the well-being of farmers.
The purpose of this workshop is to document how economic agents, are developing new strategies in
response to the current market environment, with a particular focus on developing countries. This workshop thus welcomes contributions related to the following topics:
- Measurement of volatility in international and national prices of agricultural commodities;
- Macro-economic policy responses to price volatility of agricultural commodities;
- Market risks and producer behavior in developing countries;
- Contractual innovations linking smallholder farmers to agricultural markets.
Place of the workshop
Amphitheatre 2N Pole Juridique et Judiciaire (PJJ)
Place Pey Berland
Bordeaux, France
Submission details
Papers must be complete and written in English.
Papers should be submitted by email to the following electronic addresses: and
September 5, 2014: deadline for submission.
October 3, 2014: notification of acceptance.