
Yield and Climate Variability: Learning from Time Series and GCM - A. Ahmed

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Update on AGRODEP Website Development - B. Dimaranan

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Tools to Measure Price Transmission from International to Local Markets - N. Minot

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Use of Micro and Macro Frameworks in Estimating Poverty Implications of Changes in Food Prices - M…

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AGRODEP Brochure - French

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AGRODEP Brochure - English

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AGRODEP Grants Manual

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Tools to Measure Impacts over Households of Changes in International Prices - M. Robles

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Basic Concepts and How to Measure Price Volatility - C. Martins-Filho

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AGRODEP Grants Program

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Foreign Investment and Land Acquisitions in Eastern Europe: Implications for Africa

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FDI and Alternative Supply Chain Design

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