
No. 0023 - Impacts of Health Services on Agricultural Labor Productivity of Rural Households in…

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No. 0024 - Fertilizer Subsidy and Agricultural Productivity in Senegal

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No. 0025 - Decision to Export among Ghanaian Manufacturing Firms: Does Export Destination Influence…

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No. 0026 - Informal Trade and the Price of Import Bans: Evidence from Nigeria

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No. 0027 - The European Union’s and United States of America’s Non–Tariff Measures: Impacts on…

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No. 0028 - An Exploration of the Determinants of Bribery in Benin’s Transborder Trade

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No. 0029 - Natural Resource Curse in Africa: Dutch Disease and Institutional Explanations

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No. 0030 - Have Migrant Remittances Influenced Self-Employment and Welfare among Recipient…

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No. 0031 - Does Distance Still Matter for Agricultural Trade?

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No. 0032 - Analyzing Trade Integration in North African Markets: A Border Effect Approach

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No. 0033 - Trade Performance and Potential of North African Countries: An Application of a…

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