Tenure security and demand for land tenure regularization in Nigeria: Empirical evidence from Ondo and Kano states

Hosaena Ghebru, Hyacinth Edeh, Daniel Ali, Klaus Deininger, Austen Okumo, and Sileshi Woldeyohannes
International Food Policy Research Institute

In line with the conventional view that customary land rights impede agricultural development, the traditional tenure system in Nigeria has been perceived to obstruct the achievement of efficient development and agricultural transformation. This led to the Land Use Act (LUA) of 1978. As a remedial measure to the perceived inadequacy of the traditional tenure system, the act nationalized the control of all land, empowering state governors and local governments with administration and management of land. The act conferred on state governors the custodian right to provide use rights (i.e., the ‘right of occupancy’) for land users in their state, dissolving any possessory (freehold) rights to land which were granted by the customary system.

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Source / Citation

Ghebru, H., H. Edeh, D. Ali, K. Deininger, A. Okumo, and S. Woldeyohannes. "Tenure security and demand for land tenure regularization in Nigeria: Empirical evidence from Ondo and Kano states," IFPRI/NSSP II Working Paper No. 25, May 2014.
