Mr. Mathieu Ouedraogo is a citizen of Burkina Faso. He has been an AGRODEP member since April, 2011. At the present, Mathieu is a Research Assistant at the ICRISAT West & Central Africa Regional Hub. In this position, Mathieu conducts research on (i) climate change and agriculture (perception, adaptation and economic impact), (ii) rice cropping system (adoption and impact studies of rice technologies), and (iii) natural resources. Before joining ICRISAT West & Central Africa Regional Hub, Mathieu worked for . He holds a BA in Agricultural Economics from lnstitut Agronomique et Veterinaire (IAVJ Hassan II Morroco, a MA in Development, Environment, and Societies from University of Liege (ULg), and a in from . He is specialized in Applied Econometrics. He is interested in .
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