The Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006 Enterprise survey was conducted between May and June 2006. Data from 340 establishments were analyzed.
The Enterprise Surveys are applied to a representative sample of firms in the non-agricultural economy. The sample is consistently defined in all countries and includes the entire manufacturing sector, the services sector, and the transportation and construction sectors. Public utilities, government services, health care, and financial services sectors are not included in the sample. Enterprise Surveys collect a wide array of qualitative and quantitative information through face-to-face interviews with firm managers and owners regarding the business environment in their countries and the productivity of their firms. The topics covered in Enterprise Surveys include the obstacles to doing business, infrastructure, finance, labor, corruption and regulation, law and order, innovation and technology, trade, and firm productivity.
Prior to downloading the dataset for the 2006 DRC Enterprise Survey, a request must be made through Enterprise Surveys. The request form is located here.