Data Africa

Data Africa is an open data platform designed to provide information on key themes for research and development such as: agriculture, climate, poverty and child health across Africa South of the Sahara at the sub-national level. The main goal of the online tool is to present the themes to a wide, even non-technical audience through easily accessible visual narratives.

Data Africa is a HarvestChoice project website. HarvestChoice, jointly implemented by IFPRI and University of Minnesota, generates data and knowledge products to support strategic investments on agricultural research and development in Africa South of the Sahara (SSA). 

The platform currently incudes data for 13 countries in SSA.

Source / Citation
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Datawheel, 2017. Accessed [today’s date].
First released on
Last version on
Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.