Burkina Faso is the sixth francophone country in Africa to release budget and expenditure data to the public using BOOST. The Burkina Faso BOOST database provides disaggregated budget data of the central government from 2005 to 2013.
The Burkina Faso BOOST database includes allocated, modified, committed, validated, ordered to pay and paid figures by different agencies of the central government. The data is disaggregated by administrative, economic, functional, geographic, sectoral, project classifications and also presents information on source of funding.
The BOOST program seeks to enhance accessibility and use of fiscal data for enhanced expenditure analysis as an input to improved budget processes and outcomes. A critical component of the initiative is a meticulous process of collecting, cleaning and vetting expenditure data to ensure that data is timely, comprehensive and reliable.
More about BOOST and how to use BOOST: http://wbi.worldbank.org/boost/tools-resources/topics/general-techniques/how-usebuild-boost
To access data, go to the main Burkina Faso BOOST page, and use Data Links and Resource Links on the left column of the page.