The National Accounts Section of the United Nations Statistics Division supports the implementation programme of the SNA by developing and updating supporting normative standards, training materials, and compilation guidelines for the implementation of national accounts and by supporting economic statistics and maintaining a knowledge base on economic statistics.
The National Accounts Main Aggregates Database presents a series of analytical national accounts tables from 1970 to the present for more than 200 countries and areas of the world. It is the product of a global cooperative effort between the Economic Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division, international statistical agencies, and the national statistical services of these countries and is developed in accordance with the recommendation of the Statistical Commission at its first session in 1947 that the Statistics Division should regularly publish the most recent available data on national accounts for as many countries and areas as possible. The database is updated in December of each year with newly available national accounts data for all countries and areas.
Go to data query page, select countries and/or areas, series, and year, then click "submit". Data will be shown in the next webpage. To dowload the data, click the "download" button.