Egypt Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) Statistics

Short Name

AMIS is an initiative launched by the G20. It is a global agricultural market information system that provides information relating to wheat, maize (corn), rice, and soybeans. It aims to enhance food market outlook information by strengthening collaboration and dialogue among main producing, exporting, and importing countries, commercial enterprises, and international organizations. The participants include G20 countries, Spain, and non-G20 countries who hold a significant share in global production and trade of the commodities covered by AMIS.

Egypt AMIS Statistics gives access to the latest data on production, trade, utilization, and ending season stocks for different commodities currently covered by AMIS (currently wheat, maize, rice, and soybeans) from multiple databases such as FAOSTATFAO-CBS (FAO-Commodity Balance Sheets), and USDA-PSD (USDA-production, Supply, and Distribution database).

First released on
Last version on
Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
Download information

Go to AMIS data homepage, click on a country on the interactive world map to view a market summary, then click "Extract Data to Excel" button to download CSV format data.

Data can also be downloaded using AMIS download query, which can be found by clicking "Download Data" tag on the AMIS data homepage.