
 A 2006 Social Accounting for Nigeria was built for the dynamic CGE (DCGE) model that examined the growth and investment options available in the agricultural sector for reducing poverty in Nigeria, and was an integral part of the Agricultural Policy Support Facilites activities for strengthening evidence-based policymaking in Nigeria. Given the agricultural policy analysis focus of the SAM and DCGE model, 34 sector of the SAM are under agriculture and included key cash and food crops as well as livestock subsector. The 2006 Nigeria SAM also includes 12 manufacturing (such as beef, textiles, and wood products); 2 mining sector (including crude petroleum and natural gas); and 13 service sectors (such as building and construction, electricity and water, and hotels and restaurants). While the total number of sector for the SAM is 61, the commodities account is 62 as fertilizer was treated as commodity rather than activity. The 2006 SAM data files comprise two worksheets; one for the SAM data and the other containing legend to the SAM data. The value for each of the cell entries is reported in naira million (2006 prices).

Source / Citation
Nwafor, M., X. Diao, and V. Alpuerto. 2010. A 2006 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Nigeria: Methodology and Results. Washington, D C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (datasets).
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