Traore, Fousseini
Fousseini Traoré leads the Technical Resources component for the second phase of AGRODEP. He recently co-authored AGRODEP Technical Note #18 on Measuring Integration in Agricultural Markets. Fousseini is a Research Fellow in the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division (MTID) of IFPRI and is currently based in Dakar. He received a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI), University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 2010. He also received a double M.A. in Development Economics and in Projects Appraisal from the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Prior to joining IFPRI, he was a Research Fellow at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France. He has conducted research on various topics in agricultural trade, global cotton subsidies and access to energy in rural areas in Africa. He is also involved in capacity building actions in higher education in Africa through expatriate nationals.
Fousseini Traoré is a Research Fellow in the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division (MTID) of IFPRI. He received a Ph.D. in Agricultural economics from the Centre for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI), University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 2010. He also received a double M.A. in Development economics and in Projects appraisal from the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Prior to Joining IFPRI, he was a Research Fellow at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France.
AGRODEP Brochure - English
AGRODEP brochure
AGRODEP Brochure - French
AGRODEP Brochure - French
agriculture and dynamics. Technical Report 2007-15. Paris: Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales.
MIRAGE is a multisector, multiregion CGE model that operates in a sequential dynamic recursive set-up.
Tools to Measure Price Transmission from International to Local Markets - N. Minot
This presentation discusses when and how price transmission occurs, as well as results of a study on the impacts of the global market on African food prices.
Food Prices and Food Security: Overview of Existing Data and Policy Tools and Identification of Gaps - M. Torero
This presentation discusses the state of existing data and tools to understand and mitigate food price and food security crises.
Update on AGRODEP Website Development - B. Dimaranan
This presentation discusses the structure and use of the proposed AGRODEP website.
Climate Change and Agriculture: Change in Yields in a Global CGE MIRAGE-CC - D. Laborde
This presentation discusses the questions examined by the MIRAGE-CC and the key results of those simulations.
A Stochastic Analysis of Biofuel Policies
This presentation discusses using a stochastic version of the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) to examine the impact of biofuel policies.