Model library

Models are listed by family, time dimension, and spatial coverage when applicable. Click a model's title to view the latest developments.
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econometric model
Spatial Extent:

This module on gravity equations is composed of a literature review summarizing the key points and references you have to know when interested to estimate a gravity equation and a set of illustrative STATA program used to perform such estimations.

The code provided in this module will give you several examples of hands-on estimation to familiarize yourself with the gravity equation…

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single-market partial equilibrium model
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Given recent events on world food markets, many countries are contemplating or have introduced policies to achieve greater independence from the world market and to protect their vulnerable populations from global food price spikes. Although these policies play a role in the development of many countries (see Rashid et al., 2008, for the case of Asian countries), they often prove quite…

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multi-market partial equilibrium model
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This is a partial equilibrium model for trade policy analysis (PE-TRADE) which is set up in Excel. The PE-TRADE model in Excel shows multiple examples of trade policy analyses with increasing details in each worksheet. In these examples, the focus is on the response of import demand to changes in trade policy and other tax policy instruments.

As shown in the documentation, this…

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single-country computable general equilibrium model
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This toolbox contains the codes used to run microsimulations linked to CGE models. As a specific example, it uses the IFPRI standard CGE model and the Tanzania Household Budget Survey 2000/2001 to simulate a 50% fall in export prices in Tanzania. Two microsimulation techniques are implemented: a non-parametric microsimulation model and a representative household model.

Three main…

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multi-country computable general equilibrium model
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MIRAGRODEP is a dynamic multi-country, multi-sector general equilibrium model. The dynamics is recursive and the model is calibrated on the GTAP database. MIRAGRODEP is a new version of the MIRAGE model of the world economy, whose GAMS code has been simplified and presented in a more compact and user-friendly way.

This type of model can be used to study the detailed consequences of…

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economic toolbox
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The Supply and Demand Elasticities Toolbox provides a technical guide, Stata code, and data files to estimate supply and demand elasticities. The first portion of the guide is dedicated to the estimation of elasticities in producer theory and portion two is dedicated to elasticities in consumer theory. This toolbox is restricted to AGRODEP members and AGRODEP affiliate members only.

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economic toolbox
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The approach of this macroeconometric modelling method is unique in two ways: First, it will be extremely developed, with the goal of giving modelers a complete set of elements which will allow them to build their own models. To this end, our presentation is complemented by examples using the EViews software, from general strategies to technical details. The associated programs and files…

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multi-market partial equilibrium model
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PETS is a multi-region, multi-sector, dynamically recursive,  and partial equilibrium (PE) model. The model developed in Fontagne, Laborde, and Mitaritonna (2011) focuses on trade policy analysis using disaggregated geographical and sectoral levels of data.  The model emphasizes the demand side, which is specified as a nested CES structure, where the initial regional income is…

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economic toolbox
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La Boîte à Outils "Formation GAMS AGRODEP" vise à aider ceux qui s'intéressent à la modélisation économique, incluant (sans s'y limiter) les modèles d'équilibre général et partiel ainsi que les problèmes d'optimisation, en leur apprenant à se servir du logiciel GAMS, un instrument essentiel dans les pratiques contemporaines de modélisation. Ces modèles économiques peuvent être utilisés…

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economic toolbox
Spatial Extent:

The AGRODEP GAMS Training Toolbox is intended to assist those interested in economic modeling-- including but not limited to general and partial equilibrium models as well as optimization problems-- by teaching them to use the GAMS software, a cornerstone of many modeling efforts. These economic models can be used to conduct research on a wide range of topics, such as analysis of various…