( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\mysql\Driver\Database\mysql\Connection::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.00681743144Drupal::logger( $channel = 'php' )...\errors.inc:175
310.00681743144Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:673
320.00691748216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Logger\\LoggerChannelFactory', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...]]], $id = 'logger.factory' )...\Container.php:176
330.00691748312Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 0]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
340.00691748312Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.dblog', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
350.00691751024Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\dblog\\Logger\\DbLog', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.dblog']], $id = 'logger.dblog' )...\Container.php:176
360.00691751024Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
370.00691751024Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'database', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
380.00691752792Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Connection', 'arguments' => [0 => 'default'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'database'], 'factory' => [0 => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Database', 1 => 'getConnection']], $id = 'database' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Logger\LogMessageParser::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.00681743144Drupal::logger( $channel = 'php' )...\errors.inc:175
310.00681743144Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:673
320.00691748216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Logger\\LoggerChannelFactory', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...]]], $id = 'logger.factory' )...\Container.php:176
330.00691748312Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 0]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
340.00691748312Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.dblog', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
350.00691751024Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\dblog\\Logger\\DbLog', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.dblog']], $id = 'logger.dblog' )...\Container.php:176
360.00691751024Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
370.01161773872Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.log_message_parser', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
380.01161774784Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Logger\\LogMessageParser', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.log_message_parser']], $id = 'logger.log_message_parser' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\dblog\Logger\DbLog::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.00681743144Drupal::logger( $channel = 'php' )...\errors.inc:175
310.00681743144Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:673
320.00691748216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Logger\\LoggerChannelFactory', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...]]], $id = 'logger.factory' )...\Container.php:176
330.00691748312Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 0]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
340.00691748312Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.dblog', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
350.00691751024Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\dblog\\Logger\\DbLog', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.dblog']], $id = 'logger.dblog' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactory::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.00681743144Drupal::logger( $channel = 'php' )...\errors.inc:175
310.00681743144Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'logger.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:673
320.00691748216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Logger\\LoggerChannelFactory', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'logger.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...]]], $id = 'logger.factory' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxy::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.00681743144Drupal::logger( $channel = 'php' )...\errors.inc:175
310.02361768336Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactory->get( $channel = 'php' )...\Drupal.php:673
320.02371768872Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'current_user', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\LoggerChannelFactory.php:41
330.02371771096Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Session\\AccountProxy', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'current_user']], $id = 'current_user' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176
380.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.03201986496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.config', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.03201988696Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'config'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.config'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.config' )...\Container.php:176
410.03201988912Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = [0 => class stdClass { public $type = 'service'; public $id = 'cache_factory'; public $invalidBehavior = 1 }, 1 => 'get'] )...\Container.php:252
420.03201988912Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache_factory', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
430.03201993752Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache_factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'cache_factory' )...\Container.php:176
440.03201993752Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
450.03201993752Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'settings', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
460.03201995112Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Site\\Settings', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'settings'], 'factory' => [0 => 'Drupal\\Core\\Site\\Settings', 1 => 'getInstance']], $id = 'settings' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176
380.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.03201986496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.config', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.03201988696Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'config'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.config'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.config' )...\Container.php:176
410.03201988912Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = [0 => class stdClass { public $type = 'service'; public $id = 'cache_factory'; public $invalidBehavior = 1 }, 1 => 'get'] )...\Container.php:252
420.03201988912Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache_factory', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
430.03201993752Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache_factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'cache_factory' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\ChainedFastBackendFactory::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176
380.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.03201986496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.config', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.03201988696Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'config'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.config'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.config' )...\Container.php:176
410.04241998056call_user_func_array:{E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php:258}( $callback = [0 => class Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory { protected $settings = class Drupal\Core\Site\Settings { ... }; protected $defaultBinBackends = [...]; protected $container = class Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container { ... }; public $_serviceId = 'cache_factory' }, 1 => 'get'], $args = [0 => 'config'] )...\Container.php:258
420.04241998128Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory->get( $bin = 'config' )...\Container.php:258
430.04241998128Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.backend.chainedfast', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\CacheFactory.php:83
440.04242002496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\ChainedFastBackendFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.backend.chainedfast'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'cache.backend.chainedfast' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseCacheTagsChecksum::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176
380.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.03201986496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.config', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.03201988696Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'config'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.config'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.config' )...\Container.php:176
410.04241998056call_user_func_array:{E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php:258}( $callback = [0 => class Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory { protected $settings = class Drupal\Core\Site\Settings { ... }; protected $defaultBinBackends = [...]; protected $container = class Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container { ... }; public $_serviceId = 'cache_factory' }, 1 => 'get'], $args = [0 => 'config'] )...\Container.php:258
420.04241998128Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory->get( $bin = 'config' )...\Container.php:258
430.04741998672Drupal\Core\Cache\ChainedFastBackendFactory->get( $bin = 'config' )...\CacheFactory.php:83
440.04741998672Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.backend.database', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\ChainedFastBackendFactory.php:89
450.04742001904Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\DatabaseBackendFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.backend.database']], $id = 'cache.backend.database' )...\Container.php:176
460.04742001904Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
470.04742002280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache_tags.invalidator.checksum', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
480.04742004528Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\DatabaseCacheTagsChecksum', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache_tags.invalidator.checksum']], $id = 'cache_tags.invalidator.checksum' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackendFactory::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176
380.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.03201986496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.config', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.03201988696Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'config'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.config'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.config' )...\Container.php:176
410.04241998056call_user_func_array:{E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php:258}( $callback = [0 => class Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory { protected $settings = class Drupal\Core\Site\Settings { ... }; protected $defaultBinBackends = [...]; protected $container = class Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container { ... }; public $_serviceId = 'cache_factory' }, 1 => 'get'], $args = [0 => 'config'] )...\Container.php:258
420.04241998128Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheFactory->get( $bin = 'config' )...\Container.php:258
430.04741998672Drupal\Core\Cache\ChainedFastBackendFactory->get( $bin = 'config' )...\CacheFactory.php:83
440.04741998672Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.backend.database', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\ChainedFastBackendFactory.php:89
450.04742001904Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\DatabaseBackendFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.backend.database']], $id = 'cache.backend.database' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackend::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176
380.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.03201986496Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.config', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.03201988696Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'config'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.config'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.config' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Config\CachedStorage::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.03191985960Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\CachedStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage']], $id = 'config.storage' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Config\ExtensionInstallStorage::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }, 4 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.41982001352Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.storage.schema', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.41982003664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ExtensionInstallStorage', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.storage.schema']], $id = 'config.storage.schema' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackend::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }, 4 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.42532002136Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.discovery', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.42532004344Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'discovery'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.discovery'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.discovery' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\DatabaseBackend::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }, 4 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.43072002704Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'module_handler', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.43082005480Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Extension\\ModuleHandler', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'module_handler']], $id = 'module_handler' )...\Container.php:176
410.43082005480Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web', 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
420.43082005856Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache.bootstrap', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
430.43082008064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheBackendInterface', 'arguments' => [0 => 'bootstrap'], 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache.bootstrap'], 'factory' => [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => 'get']], $id = 'cache.bootstrap' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }, 4 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.43072002704Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'module_handler', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.43082005480Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Extension\\ModuleHandler', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'module_handler']], $id = 'module_handler' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ClassResolver::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }, 4 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.73412036256Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'class_resolver', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.73412039288Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\DependencyInjection\\ClassResolver', 'arguments_count' => 0, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'class_resolver'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'class_resolver' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ArrayObject::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.74042037216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
390.74042037216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'validation.constraint', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.74042040440Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Validation\\ConstraintManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'validation.constraint']], $id = 'validation.constraint' )...\Container.php:176
410.74042040440Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
420.74042040440Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'container.namespaces', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
430.74042042656Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'ArrayObject', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'container.namespaces']], $id = 'container.namespaces' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Validation\ConstraintManager::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176
380.74042037216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
390.74042037216Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'validation.constraint', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.74042040440Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Validation\\ConstraintManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'validation.constraint']], $id = 'validation.constraint' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
360.41981994664Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.typed', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.41982000976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\TypedConfigManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 5, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.typed'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.typed' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageDefault::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.76142046976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
360.76142046976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'language.config_factory_override', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.76152050712Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\language\\Config\\LanguageConfigFactoryOverride', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'language.config_factory_override']], $id = 'language.config_factory_override' )...\Container.php:176
380.76152050712Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
390.76152051088Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'language.default', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
400.76152053328Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Language\\LanguageDefault', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'language.default']], $id = 'language.default' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\language\Config\LanguageConfigFactoryOverride::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176
350.76142046976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:276
360.76142046976Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'language.config_factory_override', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
370.76152050712Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\language\\Config\\LanguageConfigFactoryOverride', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'language.config_factory_override']], $id = 'language.config_factory_override' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.03191976040Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'config.factory', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:411
340.03191981376Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\ConfigFactory', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 3, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'config.factory'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'config.factory' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager::$_serviceId is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container.php on line 288
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.77902044032Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->get( $name = 'system.logging' )...\Drupal.php:411
340.77902044032Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->doGet( $name = 'system.logging', $immutable = ??? )...\ConfigFactory.php:89
350.77902044248Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->doLoadMultiple( $names = [0 => 'system.logging'], $immutable = TRUE )...\ConfigFactory.php:104
360.77992046952Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->propagateConfigOverrideCacheability( $cache_key = 'system.logging:global_overrides:en', $name = 'system.logging' )...\ConfigFactory.php:186
370.77992047048Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigBase->addCacheableDependency( $other_object = class Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata { protected $cacheContexts = [0 => 'languages:language_interface']; protected $cacheTags = []; protected $cacheMaxAge = -1 } )...\ConfigFactory.php:224
380.77992047048Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigBase->addCacheContexts( $cache_contexts = [0 => 'languages:language_interface'] )...\RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait.php:17
390.77992047048Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::mergeContexts( ...$cache_contexts = variadic([], [0 => 'languages:language_interface']) )...\RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait.php:33
400.77992047048Drupal::service( $id = 'cache_contexts_manager' )...\Cache.php:31
410.77992047048Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'cache_contexts_manager', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\Drupal.php:197
420.77992049792Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\Context\\CacheContextsManager', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'cache_contexts_manager']], $id = 'cache_contexts_manager' )...\Container.php:176

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager::$validContextTokens is deprecated in E:\wamp64\www\AGRODEP\web\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager.php on line 265
Call Stack
10.0000360960{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0007403232Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle( $request = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request { public $attributes = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $request = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $query = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $server = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $files = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $cookies = class Drupal\Core\Http\InputBag { protected $parameters = [...] }; public $headers = class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag { protected $headers = [...]; protected $cacheControl = [...] }; protected $content = NULL; protected $languages = NULL; protected $charsets = NULL; protected $encodings = NULL; protected $acceptableContentTypes = NULL; protected $pathInfo = NULL; protected $requestUri = NULL; protected $baseUrl = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $method = NULL; protected $format = NULL; protected $session = NULL; protected $locale = NULL; protected $defaultLocale = 'en'; private $preferredFormat = NULL; private $isHostValid = TRUE; private $isForwardedValid = TRUE }, $type = ???, $catch = ??? )...\index.php:20
30.00651475320Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->getHttpKernel( )...\DrupalKernel.php:709
40.00651475320Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel', $invalid_behavior = ??? )...\DrupalKernel.php:1363
50.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Stack\\StackedHttpKernel', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel']], $id = 'http_kernel' )...\Container.php:176
60.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
70.00651481384Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
80.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\NegotiationMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.negotiation'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.negotiation' )...\Container.php:176
90.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
100.00651485280Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
110.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\ReverseProxyMiddleware', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy']], $id = 'http_middleware.reverse_proxy' )...\Container.php:176
120.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
130.00651488032Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
140.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\page_cache\\StackMiddleware\\PageCache', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.page_cache']], $id = 'http_middleware.page_cache' )...\Container.php:176
150.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
160.00651491800Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
170.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\KernelPreHandle', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle']], $id = 'http_middleware.kernel_pre_handle' )...\Container.php:176
180.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
190.00651494544Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_middleware.session', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
200.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\StackMiddleware\\Session', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 1, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_middleware.session'], 'calls' => [0 => [...]]], $id = 'http_middleware.session' )...\Container.php:176
210.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
220.00651498896Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'http_kernel.basic', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
230.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel', 'lazy' => TRUE, 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 4, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'http_kernel.basic']], $id = 'http_kernel.basic' )...\Container.php:176
240.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->resolveServicesAndParameters( $arguments = class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [0 => class stdClass { ... }, 1 => class stdClass { ... }, 2 => class stdClass { ... }, 3 => class stdClass { ... }]; public $resolve = TRUE } )...\Container.php:240
250.00651502640Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get( $id = 'event_dispatcher', $invalid_behavior = 1 )...\Container.php:437
260.00661710064Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService( $definition = ['class' => 'Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher', 'arguments' => class stdClass { public $type = 'collection'; public $value = [...]; public $resolve = TRUE }, 'arguments_count' => 2, 'properties' => ['_serviceId' => 'event_dispatcher']], $id = 'event_dispatcher' )...\Container.php:176
270.00681711072_drupal_error_handler( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\Container.php:288
280.00681711072_drupal_error_handler_real( $error_level = 8192, $message = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated', $filename = 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', $line = 288 )...\bootstrap.inc:347
290.00681740328_drupal_log_error( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, 'severity_level' => 7, 'backtrace' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...], 14 => [...], 15 => [...], 16 => [...], 17 => [...], 18 => [...], 19 => [...], 20 => [...], 21 => [...], 22 => [...], 23 => [...], 24 => [...], 25 => [...]], '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '..., 'exception' => NULL], $fatal = FALSE )...\errors.inc:71
300.03191976040error_displayable( $error = ['%type' => 'Deprecated function', '@message' => class Drupal\Core\Render\Markup { protected $string = 'Creation of dynamic property Drupal\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::$_serviceId is deprecated' }, '%function' => 'Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService()', '%file' => 'E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php', '%line' => 288, '@backtrace_string' => '#0 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\includes\\bootstrap.inc(347): _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#1 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(288): _drupal_error_handler(8192, \'Creation of dyn...\', \'E:\\\\wamp64\\\\www\\\\A...\', 288)\n#2 E:\\wamp64\\www\\AGRODEP\\web\\core\\lib\\Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container.php(176): Drupal\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container->createService(Array, \'event_dispatche...\')\n#3 '...] )...\errors.inc:215
310.03191976040_drupal_get_error_level( )...\errors.inc:123
320.03191976040Drupal::config( $name = 'system.logging' )...\errors.inc:323
330.77902044032Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->get( $name = 'system.logging' )...\Drupal.php:411
340.77902044032Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->doGet( $name = 'system.logging', $immutable = ??? )...\ConfigFactory.php:89
350.77902044248Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->doLoadMultiple( $names = [0 => 'system.logging'], $immutable = TRUE )...\ConfigFactory.php:104
360.77992046952Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory->propagateConfigOverrideCacheability( $cache_key = 'system.logging:global_overrides:en', $name = 'system.logging' )...\ConfigFactory.php:186
370.77992047048Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigBase->addCacheableDependency( $other_object = class Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata { protected $cacheContexts = [0 => 'languages:language_interface']; protected $cacheTags = []; protected $cacheMaxAge = -1 } )...\ConfigFactory.php:224
380.77992047048Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigBase->addCacheContexts( $cache_contexts = [0 => 'languages:language_interface'] )...\RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait.php:17
390.77992047048Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::mergeContexts( ...$cache_contexts = variadic([], [0 => 'languages:language_interface']) )...\RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait.php:33
400.82772047928Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager->assertValidTokens( $context_tokens = [0 => 'languages:language_interface'] )...\Cache.php:31
410.82772047928Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager->validateTokens( $context_tokens = [0 => 'languages:language_interface'] )...\CacheContextsManager.php:316
food price http://agrodep.org/ en Accelerating Africa’s Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices – Impacts and Requisite Actions http://agrodep.org/resource/accelerating-africas-food-production-response-rising-food-prices-impacts-and-requisite <span>Accelerating Africa’s Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices – Impacts and Requisite Actions</span> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-authors field--type-string-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Authors</div> <div class="field__item">Xinshen Diao, Shenggen Fan, Derek Headey, Michael Johnson, Alejandro Nin Pratt, Bingxin Yu</div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-publisher field--type-string-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Publisher</div> <div class="field__item">Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS)</div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-created field--type-datetime field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Publication date</div> <div class="field__item"><time datetime="2008-06-01T00:00:00Z">Sat, 05/31/2008 - 21:00</time></div> </div> <span><a title="View user profile." href="http://agrodep.org/users/yuan" lang="" about="http://agrodep.org/users/yuan" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="" xml:lang="">yuan</a></span> <span>30 Apr, 2012 16:31</span> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-location field--type-string-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Location</div> <div class="field__item">http://www.resakss.org/index.php?pdf=39402</div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-citation field--type-text-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Source / Citation</div> <div class="field__item">Diao, X.; Fan, S.; Headey, D.; Johnson, M.; Nin-Pratt, A. and B. Yu. Accelerating Africa's Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices - Impacts and Requisite Actions. ReSAKSS Working Paper No.3. 2008.</div> </div> <ul class="links inline"><li class="node-readmore"><a href="http://agrodep.org/resource/accelerating-africas-food-production-response-rising-food-prices-impacts-and-requisite" rel="tag" title="Accelerating Africa’s Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices – Impacts and Requisite Actions" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Accelerating Africa’s Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices – Impacts and Requisite Actions</span></a></li><li class="comment-forbidden"></li></ul><div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>The<a href="http://www.resakss.org/"> Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System</a> (ReSAKSS) is an Africa-wide network of regional nodes supporting the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in collaboration with the<a href="http://www.ifpri.org"> International Food Policy Research Institute</a> (IFPRI) and the Africa-based centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), to facilitate the implement</p></div> Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:31:54 +0000 yuan 1874 at http://agrodep.org 2011 Global Hunger Index http://agrodep.org/resource/2011-global-hunger-index <span>2011 Global Hunger Index</span> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-authors field--type-string-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Authors</div> <div class="field__item">von Grebmer, Klaus;<br /> Torero, Maximo;<br /> Olofinbiyi, Tolulope;<br /> Fritschel, Heidi;<br /> Wiesmann, Doris;<br /> Yohannes, Yisehac;<br /> Schofield, Lilly;<br /> von Oppeln, Constanze</div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-publisher field--type-string-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Publisher</div> <div class="field__item">International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Concern Worldwide, Welthungerhilfe</div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-created field--type-datetime field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Publication date</div> <div class="field__item"><time datetime="2011-10-01T00:00:00Z">Fri, 09/30/2011 - 21:00</time></div> </div> <span><a title="View user profile." href="http://agrodep.org/index.php/users/yuan" lang="" about="http://agrodep.org/index.php/users/yuan" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="" xml:lang="">yuan</a></span> <span>26 Apr, 2012 15:35</span> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-location field--type-string-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Location</div> <div class="field__item">http://www.ifpri.org/publication/2011-global-hunger-index</div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-resource-citation field--type-text-long field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Source / Citation</div> <div class="field__item">von Grebmer K, Torero M, Olofinbiyi T, Fritschel H, Wiesmann D, Yohannes Y, Schofield L, von Oppeln C. “Global Hunger Index. The challenge of hunger: Taming price spikes and excessive food price volatility.” International Food Policy Research Institute, Concern World Wide, Detsche Welthugerhilfe e.v. Washington D. C., Dublin, Bonn.</div> </div> <ul class="links inline"><li class="node-readmore"><a href="http://agrodep.org/index.php/resource/2011-global-hunger-index" rel="tag" title="2011 Global Hunger Index" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about 2011 Global Hunger Index</span></a></li><li class="comment-forbidden"></li></ul><div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>"The 2011 Global Hunger Index, published jointly by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Concern Worldwide, and Welthungerhilfe, shows that although the world has made some progress in reducing hunger, the proportion of hungry people remains too high. Of course, the absolute number of hungry people remains unacceptably high as well. This is the sixth year that IFPRI has calculated the Global Hunger Index and analyzed this multidimensional measure of global hunger.</p></div> Thu, 26 Apr 2012 18:35:21 +0000 yuan 1830 at http://agrodep.org