South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS), 2004

Short Name
ZAF Income Dynamics Study

This dataset is the baseline survey for the impact evaluation of the World Bank-funded program: the PSAOP (Programme de Services Agricoles et Organisations de Producteurs) in Senegal. The objective of this program was to strengthen the Rural Producers Organizations (POs) capacities to provide services for their members. The program also created PO councils at the district level “Communautés Rurales” in Senegal, through which the organizations can exchange information on their experiences.

The sampling design included several independent strata meant to reflect different agro-ecological areas in the Bassin Arachidier, the Niayes, and the Senegal River Valley. Within each district, 14 villages were randomly selected. When the number of villages in the district was less than 14, all villages were included in the sample and additional villages were eventually selected in larger districts. Four series of questionnaires were used: village-level; household-level; PO-level; and specific PO activities Topics covered are information at the village level; basic information on all households in the community, including their participation in the different POs in the village; information on all POs in the village (with a limit of five), and on collective field, cattle-breeding, trade, horticulture, irrigated perimeters management, and fishing when such activities were undertaken by the POs.

A related survey is Burkina Faso PNDSA II Impact Analysis Baseline Survey, 2002-2003, which used similar questionnaires in Burkina Faso.


Source / Citation
The South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS), 2004 was a collaborative project of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and the Norwegian Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (NIBR).
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