Mulangu, Francis

Dr. Francis Mulangu is a citizen of Congo, Democratic Republic of . He has been an AGRODEP member since November, 2012. At the present, Francis is a Agricultural Economist at the Millennium Challenge Corporation. In this position, Francis Conduct research on agricultural transformation. Before joining Millennium Challenge Corporation, Francis worked for . He holds a BA in Economic from University of North Texas, a MA in Economics from Ohio State University, and a Ph.D. in Agricultural, environmental, and development economics from The Ohio State University. He is specialized in Agribusiness. He is interested in <p>Expert in agricultural value chain and agro-processing opportunities for palm oil, fruits, cocoa, and cotton, authors of academic papers and policy reports. Expert on climate change valuation, author of several academic papers, policy reports, and international conference and seminar presentations. Expert in trade welfare analysis and measuring the gains from trade openness in developing countries. Evaluated the impacts of preferential trade policies on firms and household welfare.</p>