Africa Development Bank Statistical Data Portal

Short Name
AFDB Data Portal

The Open Data for Africa platform is a response from the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) aimed at boosting access to quality data necessary for managing and monitoring development results in African countries, including the millennnium development goals. It responds to a number of important global and regional initiatives increase the availability of data on Africa.  It will foster evidence-based decision-making, public accountability, and good governance. The initiative forms part of the worldwide effort to strengthen statistical capacity, articulated in the Busan Action Plan for Statistics (BAPS), which was endorsed by the international community at the High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, which took place in Busan, Korea, between 28 November and 1 December 2011.

Through Open Data for Africa, users can access a wide range of development data on Africa in AfDB’s Data Portals as well as from other regional and international partners. The platform also facilitates the collection, analysis, and sharing of data on emerging and crucial development topics such as food security, gender equality, and climate change. The platform offers a unique opportunity for AfDB staff, policymakers, analysts, researchers, business leaders, and investors around the world to gain access to reliable and timely data on Africa. Users can visualize socioeconomic indicators over a period of time, utilize presentation-ready graphics or create their own, perform comprehensive analysis at country and regional levels, blog, and share their views and work with others, thereby creating an informed community of users.


First released on
Last version on
Data Query
Use Policy
Free to use, modify and distribute with due credits and citation.
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National data can be viewed by clicking country on the interactive map. To view and export AFDB socio-economic data, click "Data Query" tag on the left sidebar and select data elements.