IFPRI events

The Role of Private Philanthropy in Funding Climate Solutions

1 jour 7 heures ago

The Role of Private Philanthropy in Funding Climate Solutions

The Linkages Series is a mini-conference format designed to spark learning and action around current issues shaping the field. Together, they bridge funder, practitioner, & network constellations. Join this virtual conference for a deep dive into how and where private philanthropy plays a key role in funding climate change solutions globally and hear from leaders […]

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Debt Distress and the Right to Food in Africa

1 semaine 3 jours ago

Debt Distress and the Right to Food in Africa

Also streaming on Please type your questions into the chat box with name, affiliation, and country. The event video, presenter slides, and podcast will be available in the days following the event. More than half of low-income countries are at risk of debt distress or have already defaulted. The debt crisis, while exacerbated by recent […]

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79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and Climate Week 2024

2 semaines 6 jours ago

79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and Climate Week 2024

The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly marks a crucial milestone in the global effort to accelerate progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The highly anticipated Summit of the Future, held during UNGA, underscores the urgent need for enhanced international cooperation to address pressing challenges such as climate change, poverty and […]

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Jamed Falik

Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take? A Dialogue on IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report

3 semaines 1 jour ago

Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take? A Dialogue on IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report

IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy flagship publication arrives at a pivotal moment, as the importance of addressing food systems for better nutrition continues to gain global recognition. With United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 29th Conference of the Parties taking place in November, the SUN Global Gathering on the horizon and the Nutrition […]

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Fruit & Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets: 2024 FRESH Science Conference

4 semaines ago

Fruit & Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets: 2024 FRESH Science Conference

Poor diets are a primary cause of malnutrition and the leading cause of disease worldwide. Improving diets, especially through increasing fruit and vegetable intake, can help to address these health and nutrition challenges. However, fruit and vegetable intake falls below recommended levels globally. The factors contributing to low fruit and vegetable consumption are complex, requiring […]

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Jamed Falik

Navigating the Trade Landscape: A Latin American Perspective building on the WTO 13th Ministerial Conference

4 semaines ago

Navigating the Trade Landscape: A Latin American Perspective building on the WTO 13th Ministerial Conference

The governance of agricultural and food trade is facing unprecedented challenges in a rapidly evolving global landscape. As traditional agricultural trade issues, such as domestic support and market access, seem to lose their prominence and the feasibility of advancing with a multilateral strategy diminishes, the focus is shifting toward the environmental and nutritional dimensions of […]

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Jamed Falik

Agronomy and Policy Solutions for Effective Implementation of the African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

1 mois ago

Agronomy and Policy Solutions for Effective Implementation of the African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

CGIAR is pleased to support our regional and national partners in their implementation of the action plan emerging from the May 2024 African Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit. As the seventh policy seminar in the CGIAR series on Strengthening Food Systems Resilience, this event will examine the outcomes of the AFSH Summit and consider […]

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Against the grain: Could farmers feed the world and heal the planet?

1 mois 1 semaine ago

Against the grain: Could farmers feed the world and heal the planet?

Humanity relies on agriculture to provide nourishment, yet there is an urgent need to reduce the agricultural sector’s environmental footprint. Meeting these two goals is crucial for both people and the planet to thrive. Please join us for a conversation featuring Roger Thurow, award-winning author and journalist, whose recently released book argues it is possible […]

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Metrics Matter: Assessing Progress towards Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture and Beyond

1 mois 1 semaine ago

Metrics Matter: Assessing Progress towards Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture and Beyond

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), in partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), will hold a public seminar featuring three studies on women empowerment on August 14, 2024, 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Asia/Manila) / August 13, 2024, 9:00 PM to 11:30 PM (US/Eastern) at the PIDS Conference Hall and via Zoom. […]

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Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia: Connecting the Dots Across Systems

1 mois 2 semaines ago

Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia: Connecting the Dots Across Systems

South Asia grapples with escalating levels of malnutrition in various forms, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity, and micronutrient deficiencies, alongside increasing incidence of diet-related non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition results from a complex interplay of factors incorporating household and individual decision-making, agriculture and food systems, healthcare services, education, and socio-ecological systems that determine access to services and […]

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Supporting and shaping the global nutrition agenda with evidence: A three-decade journey of research and partnerships for impact

1 mois 2 semaines ago

Supporting and shaping the global nutrition agenda with evidence: A three-decade journey of research and partnerships for impact

Also streaming on Please type your questions into the chat box with name, affiliation, and country. The event video, presenter slides, and podcast will be available in the days following the event. This year’s Forman Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Marie Ruel, Senior Research Fellow in the Nutrition, Diets, and Health Unit at IFPRI. […]

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How should governments respond to crises? Rapid response using RIAPA modeling system

1 mois 3 semaines ago

How should governments respond to crises? Rapid response using RIAPA modeling system

IFPRI’s foresight modeling systems cover food, land, and water systems across the world’s poorest and most food insecure geographies. Thanks to longstanding investments in these systems, IFPRI is uniquely positioned to provide rapid analysis of the impacts of global or domestic crises on agrifood systems, poverty, and food security at global, regional, national, or subnational […]

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Africa Food Systems Forum 2024 Summit

1 mois 3 semaines ago

Africa Food Systems Forum 2024 Summit

The Africa Food Systems Forum 2024 annual summit will be a timely opportunity to convene diverse stakeholders, including world leaders, investors, academia, farmers’ organizations, and the private sector, to spotlight innovations, technologies, best practices, business models, policy delivery mechanisms, and investments to accelerate food systems transformation in Africa and beyond, with youth and women at […]

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Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor: Launch of the 7th edition – AATM 2024

1 mois 3 semaines ago

Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor: Launch of the 7th edition – AATM 2024

AKADEMIYA2063 and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), are convening a hybrid event to debate and promote the findings of the Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM) 2024. As in prior editions, the seventh AATM provides improved trade statistics, uses consistent indicators to […]

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South Asia Launch | Nepal | 2024 Global Food Policy Report: Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition

1 mois 3 semaines ago

South Asia Launch | Nepal | 2024 Global Food Policy Report: Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition

Despite significant progress in addressing hunger and undernutrition in the early 2000s, malnutrition, in all its forms, remains a major challenge in all regions of the world. Unhealthy diets remain the primary drivers of many forms of malnutrition, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity, micronutrient deficiencies, and diet- related noncommunicable diseases. Today, the number of people […]

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Jamed Falik

Building pathways out of poverty: Midline findings from a randomized controlled trial

2 mois ago

Building pathways out of poverty: Midline findings from a randomized controlled trial

This webinar will provide evidence around the effects of the Ultra Poor Graduation program implemented in Baidoa, Somalia by World Vision and funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). The project seeks to enable ultra-poor internally displaced households to graduate from extreme poverty and begin an upward trajectory […]

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GFPR Southeast Asia Launch: IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report on Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition

2 mois 1 semaine ago

GFPR Southeast Asia Launch: IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report on Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition

Click HERE to join the IFPRI-ADB Event on IFPRI’s 2024 GFPR on July 18, 2024 from 10:00am to 11:00am Manila time (GMT+8) / July 17, 2024 from 10:00pm to 11:00pm Washington, DC time (EDT). This event, co-organized by the Asian Development Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) will present an overview of […]

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Tracking Global and National Agricultural Transformation

2 mois 1 semaine ago

Tracking Global and National Agricultural Transformation

Agricultural transformation involves the shift in production and workers from traditional agriculture to more productive activities, both within primary agriculture and across sectors within the broader agrifood system. This evolution enhances productivity and typically reduces poverty, raises incomes, and promotes healthier diets. However, not all countries are experiencing the same pace of agricultural transformation, and […]

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How does agricultural productivity growth affect agrifood system transformation goals? Exploring trade-offs using IMPACT

2 mois 2 semaines ago

How does agricultural productivity growth affect agrifood system transformation goals? Exploring trade-offs using IMPACT

Agrifood systems are complex and changing, so it is critical to explore different potential futures to inform decisions today that can put the world on a better path for livelihoods, health, and the environment. In the coming decades, changes in population, income, and diets will put increasing pressure on agrifood systems to meet evolving food […]

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GFPR Southeast Asia Launch: Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take?

2 mois 2 semaines ago

GFPR Southeast Asia Launch: Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take?

Across Southeast Asia, the double burden of malnutrition—hunger and micronutrient deficiencies, plus overweight and obesity—is widely evident, and is driven by unhealthy diets. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of healthy diets, but consumption of these healthy foods falls well below recommended levels across the region. The drivers of poor diets include the relatively […]

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2 heures 57 minutes ago
IFPRI events
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) was founded in 1975 to improve the understanding of national agricultural and food policies to promote the adoption of innovations in agricultural technology
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