land use

Spatial Analysis of Livestock Production Patterns in Ethiopia
Helina Tilahun, Emily Schmidt
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Publication date
yuan 15 Oct, 2012 14:36

The livestock sector is a large contributor to the Ethiopian economy as well as a mainstay in the livelihoods of many Ethiopians. It comprised 11 percent of national GDP and 24 percent of agricultural GDP between the years of 1995/96 and 2005/06 (NBE 2005/06). Livestock production and markets vary substantially across space in Ethiopia due to a variety of reasons including topographical variations, market access, water availability, and population characteristics.

Biofuels and Africa: Impacts and linkages at the household level
Msangi, Siwa
Cambridge University Press
Publication date
yuan 9 Oct, 2012 12:45
Source / Citation
Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of biofuels: Evidence from developing nations, ed. Alexandros Gasparatos, and Per Stromberg. Chapter 11. Pp. 231-253.
Modelling Land Use Changes in a Global CGE: Assessing the EU biofuel mandates with the MIRAGE-BioF model
David Laborde and Hugo Valin
AGRODEP Workshop on Analytical Tools for Climate Change, June 6-7, 201, Dakar, Senegal
Publication date
Anonymous (not verified) 7 Sep, 2011 16:10
Last version on
Related Model

Evaluation of indirect land use changes due to biofuels has been very controversial over the past few years, as doubt has arisen about the potential benefits of growing crops for use as a substitute for fossil fuels. In this paper, we present an overview of a CGE modelling approach, based on the MIRAGE-BioF model. Our framework brings new innovative features that strengthen the relevance of the methodology. In particular, a more detailed and consistent database has been developed to represent the sectors and substitution mechanism at play.

Land Use Analysis of Biofuel Mandates: A CGE Perspective with MIRAGE-Biof - D. Laborde
David Laborde
Publication date
sgustafson 19 Jul, 2011 16:24
Last version on
Related Model

This presentation discusses using MIRAGE-Biof to examine the land use effects of biofuel mandates.