Biofuels could offer new economic opportunities for low-income countries. We use a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model of Tanzania to evaluate different biofuels production options and estimate their impacts on growth and poverty. Our results indicate that maximizing the poverty-reducing effects of biofuels production in countries like Tanzania will require engaging and improving the productivity of smallholder farmers. Evidence shows that cassava-based ethanol production is more profitable than other feedstock options.
This study seeks to highlight the level of income inequality in Kenya and its implications on various poverty reduction policies. The 2003 Kenya SAM is used to develop a multiplier simulation model which tracks the linkages among demand-driven shocks and economic growth, income generation, and income distribution for different economic groups.
The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) is an Africa-wide network of regional nodes supporting the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in collaboration with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Africa-based centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), to facilitate the implement
Burundi’s growth policy should focus on: (1) closing the infrastructure gap; (2) gaining from regional integration; (3) improving the business environment; (4) promoting new growth sources; and (5) strengthening its fiscal position through improved revenue mobilization, more efficient spending, better public financial management, and more effective aid.