Public Finance

Public expenditures in agriculture in Mozambique: What investments are required for technical change, and what drives investment decisions?

Tewodaj Mogues, Samuel Benin, and Sileshi Woldeyohannes
International Food Policy Research Institute/ Mozambique Strategy Support Program
Publication date
Source / Citation
Tewodaj M., S. Benin, and S. Woldeyohannes "Public expenditures in agriculture in Mozambique: What investments are required for technical change, and what drives investment decisions?" IFPRI/MozzSSP Working Paper No. 3, December 2012."

This paper undertakes a two-pronged investigation of agricultural public investments in Mozambique. Firstly, it estimates the public resources required in the agricultural sector—both in magnitude and in type or composition—in order for the country to sustainably meet its own development goals as established in the context of the CAADP framework.

What determines public expenditure allocations? A review of theories, and implications for agricultural public investment

Tewodaj Mogues
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Publication date

This paper addresses the determinants of public expenditure policies, by reviewing theories and empirical investigations of what features explain the budget process and how the various attributes of actors—including politicians, bureaucrats, interest groups, and donors—and of institutions and political and economic governance environments affect the prioritization of public investments. It draws conclusions with regard to the determinants of agricultural public investments.

Public Expenditure Tracking in Africa: Trends and Composition

Shenggen Fan, Babatunde Omilola, Melissa Lambert
Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS)
Publication date
Source / Citation
Fan, Shenggen; Omilola, Babatunde and Melissa Lambert. "Public Expenditure Tracking in Africa: Trends and Composition." ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 28. 2009.

The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) is an Africa-wide network of regional nodes supporting the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in collaboration with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Africa-based centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), to facilitate the implement

Public Expenditures for Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa

Edited by Tewodaj Mogues, Samuel Benin
Publication date

Whereas there is plenty of work looking at macroeconomic effect of public spending on growth and poverty in Africa as well as studies of the impact of spending or investment in one economic sector on outcomes in that sector or on broader welfare measures, this book fills a much needed gap in the research looking how the composition of public spending affects key development outcomes in the region.

Public Expenditure Review for Republic of Congo: Using Oil Wealth Effective to Accelerate and Diversify Growth
Publication date
Anonymous (not verified) 9 Apr, 2012 18:16

Congo faces a unique opportunity to meet its objective of reducing poverty and enhancing social outcomes by diversifying and expanding its economy.  It reached the HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) completion point in January, 2010, opening new perspectives for management of its public sector.  The country has been receiving and will continue to receive large volumes of oil revenues over the coming years.  With the adoption of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) in 2008, Congo has a solid and credible development strategy to guide allo

Alcohol policy and taxation in South Africa: an examination of the economic burden of alcohol tax

John Ele-Ojo Ataguba
AGRODEP Members' Workshop, June 6-8, 2011, Dakar, Senegal
Publication date
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