Environmental and Resource Economics

Biofuels and Africa: Impacts and linkages at the household level
Msangi, Siwa
Cambridge University Press
Publication date
yuan 9 Oct, 2012 12:45
Source / Citation
Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of biofuels: Evidence from developing nations, ed. Alexandros Gasparatos, and Per Stromberg. Chapter 11. Pp. 231-253.

Central African Republic Country Environmental Analysis: Environmental Management for Sustainable Growth

World Bank
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This report is a diagnostic tool to evaluate the environmental priorities for the Central African Republic (CAR). With the cost of environmental degradation equivalent to about 8 percent of GDP, and total wealth in decline mainly because of environmental risks to health, the country needs to control environmental degration and make better use of its rich endowment of natural resources, both biological and mineral.

Modelling Land Use Changes in a Global CGE: Assessing the EU biofuel mandates with the MIRAGE-BioF model
David Laborde and Hugo Valin
AGRODEP Workshop on Analytical Tools for Climate Change, June 6-7, 201, Dakar, Senegal
Publication date
Anonymous (not verified) 7 Sep, 2011 16:10
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Evaluation of indirect land use changes due to biofuels has been very controversial over the past few years, as doubt has arisen about the potential benefits of growing crops for use as a substitute for fossil fuels. In this paper, we present an overview of a CGE modelling approach, based on the MIRAGE-BioF model. Our framework brings new innovative features that strengthen the relevance of the methodology. In particular, a more detailed and consistent database has been developed to represent the sectors and substitution mechanism at play.

Modeling the Global Trade and Environmental Impacts of Biofuel Policies
Antoine Bouët, Betina Dimaranan, and Hugo Valin
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Publication date
Anonymous (not verified) 7 Sep, 2011 16:07
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Source / Citation
A Bouët, BV Dimaranan, and H Valin. 2010. "Modeling the Global Trade and Environmental Impacts of Biofuel Policies" Markets, Trade and Institutions Division Discussion Paper, No. 01018, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
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There is rising skepticism about the potential positive environmental impacts of first generation biofuels. Growing biofuel crops could induce diversion of other crops dedicated to food and feed needs. The relocation of production could increase deforestation and bring significant new volumes of carbon into the atmosphere. In this paper, we develop a methodology for assessing the indirect land use change effects related to biofuel policies in a computable general equilibrium framework.

Modeling impacts of development trajectories on forest cover in the Congo Basin

A. Mosnier, P. Havlik, M. Obersteiner, and K. Aoki
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg (Austria)
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Deforestation contributes about 18% of all carbon emissions and leads to species extinction. In the context of climate change negotiations, international community agreed to compensate efforts made by countries toward forest protection. Forest covers approximately 80 % of the Congo basin with more than half classified as dense forest. It is estimated that Congo Basin rainforest has been rather preserved during the last decades with a low deforestation rate.

Mitigation Strategy and the REDD: Application of the GLOBIOM Model to the Congo Basin Region - A. Mosnier

Aline Mosnier
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This presentation discusses the idea of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degredation) and the use of the GLOBIOM database to examine deforestation and degradation trends in the Congo Basin.

Land Use Analysis of Biofuel Mandates: A CGE Perspective with MIRAGE-Biof - D. Laborde
David Laborde
Publication date
sgustafson 19 Jul, 2011 16:24
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This presentation discusses using MIRAGE-Biof to examine the land use effects of biofuel mandates.

A Stochastic Analysis of Biofuel Policies
Michael Obersteiner
AGRODEP Members' Workshop, June 6-8, 2011, Dakar, Senegal
Publication date
mbacou 6 Jun, 2011 20:56
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This presentation discusses using a stochastic version of the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) to examine the impact of biofuel policies.